All of sudden, I felt fed up of photography without challenges. To grab my 350D with the bunch of lenses and go out for capturing birds, people, or still dead scenes. I have decided to add some life to my photography.
Yesterday, I was extremely bored, I took my bag filled with the camera, a prime lens, a zoom lens, a tripod, a remote shutter I bought recently, 2 batteries, 2 memory cards, and my drink. and took the longest path between the town centre and my house. I just realized that this path has become a natural reserve, in fact it deserves to be one since the huge trees and the beautiful greenness all the way.
All I wanted was to - as much as I possible can - show what my naked eyes see through my photographs, and the best way to do so is to capture the scene the way the eyes do.
Our eyes capture the high dynamic range with region-adaptable sensitivity, two important terms in modern photography High Dynamic Range (HDR) and sensitivity (ISO). So I decided to improve my HDR photography techniques to get closer to one's eyes vision.
With setting my tripod up, installing the camera on it properly, attaching the remote shutter, and setting the AEB (Automatic Exposure Brackets) to 3 stop (-2, 0, +2), I was able to take 3 different shots for the same scene in different colour, and sensitivity patterns. I went home and tried both Adobe Photoshop and Photomatix software to merge the 3 shots into one.
Although I have tried the Photomatix before but this time, I realized how easy is to do the job that might take minutes further using Photoshop. Merged the 3 shots and adjusted the colours the level I memorized of that scene and the result was this:
Though these are not the best ones, but at least a new era for me to start enjoying !!
P.S. Full size photos can be found at my flickr
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